Kansas Celebrity Hall of Fame
Located at the I.C.C. West Campus, 2615 W. Main St. in Independence, the Kansas Celebrity Hall of Fame allows visitors to explore the lives of notable area Kansans. Among the celebrities are playwright, William Inge; actress, Vivan Vance; the “Man who invented Hollywood,” W. W. Hodkinson; TV personality, Bill Kurtis; country music impresario, Jim Halsey; NBA star & radio commentator, Scott Hastings; industrialist, Harry Sinclair; Track athlete, Charlie Tidwell; and many more.
Independence Historical Museum & Art Center
Museum exhibits are located on the Lower Level and Mezzanine. DAR, Baseball, and Governor’s exhibits are located off the Main Floor Gallery.
This 1869 log cabin was one of the first built in the Sycamore Valley. The cabin was discovered within a farm home. The logs were labled, removed, and used to rebuild the cabin in the IHMAC Lower Level Frontier Room.
This corner of the Kitchen exhibit on the Lower Level is filled with inovations of the time. All intended to make preparation and preservation of food a little easier, so the cook could raise children and tend to other chores of the household.
This early 20th Century one-room school was typical of the schools that dotted the rural prairie landscape. Early settlers established schools within walking or riding distance of the scatterd farms of the region. Many schools were in operation into the 1960’s.